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May 28, 2002. Tuesday

10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Plenary session (Room 361)
Chairmen: A.S. Kolesov, Vice-Chairman of RK Government, Minister of Finance of RK N.I. Levin, Chairman of the Chamber of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of RK
10 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. The Opening of the Conference
Speech of Welcome: Government of the Republic of KareliaLegislative Assembly of the Republic of Karelia
V.A. Shmykov, Chief Federal Inspector for the Republic of Karelia
V.N. Vasiliev, Rector of Petrozavodsk State University

10.30 a.m. - 10.55 a.m. S.V. Semkin, Head of the Department of Regional Development at the Russian Government Machinery "Russia's budgetary policy in the years 2003 - 2005"
10.55 a.m. - 11.20 a.m. G.V.Kurlyandskaya, E.I. Nikolaenko, Fiscal Policy Centre "Inter-budgetary relations regulation in the Russian Federation"
11.20 a.m. - 11.55 p.m. H. Loikkanen, Professor of the Economics Department, University of Helsinki "Inter-budgetary relations: principles and practices in Northern Europe"
11.55 a.m. - 12.20 p.m. A.M. Lavrov, Head of the Regional budgets Monitoring Department of the RF Ministry of Finance "Regional budgets monitoring System in Russia"
12.20 p.m. - 12.55 p.m. A.Luhtala, Deputy Chief of the Department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Finland "Inter-budgetary relations in Finland"
1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch
2 p.m. - 2.25 p.m. A.S.Kolesov, Vice-Chairman of the Government of RK, Minister of Finance of RK "Budgetary policy of the Republic of Karelia at the beginning of the third millennium"
2.25 p.m. - 3 p.m. M.V.Romanovsky, Head of the Finance Department of St.Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor "Tax reform and its influence on regional budgets parameters"
3 p.m. - 3.25 p.m. E.I.Ivanova, Chief of the United Inspectorate for Efficient Control and Analysis of the Interaction between the federal budget and RF subjects' budgets, affiliated to the Accounts Chamber of RF "Principles and practice of interaction between the federal and regional budgets in Russia"
3.25 p.m. - 4 p.m. J. Merilainen, Mayor of Joensuu, Finland "Income and expenditures on municipal economy of the municipalities of Finland
4 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Coffee-break
4.30 p.m. - 4.55 p.m. A.Yu.Sungurov, President of St. Petersburg Humanitarian and Politological Centre "Strategy" "Experience of St. Petersburg Humanitarian and Politological Centre "Strategy" in developing budget transparence in regions of Russia
4.55 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. I.Metsola, Researcher, Effectia Oy, Association of Local Authorities of Finland, Helsinki "Johdon Vertti. Benchmarking database for municipal managers"
5.30 p.m. - 5.55 p.m. V.A.Gurtov, Professor of PetrSU, Doctor of Physics "Web-portal 'Open Budget. Regions of Russia' as an information resource for budgetary monitoring"
7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Banquet

May 29, 2002. Wednesday

9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Plenary session (Room 361)
Chairmen: A.S.Kolesov, Vice-Chairman of the RK Government, Minister of Finance of RK
N.I.Levin, Chairman of the Chamber of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of RK
9 a.m. - 9.25 a.m. M.M.Zadornov, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes of the State Duma of RF "Long-term planning of the budgetary process in Russia"
9.25 a.m. - 9.50 a.m. V.N.Pivnenko, Chairman of the Committee on the North and Far East of the State Duma of RF "Formation of the state budgetary policy to support northern territories"
9.50 a.m.-10.15 a.m. N.S.Stolyarov, Executive Secretary of the Control-Accounts bodies Association of RF, Head of the RF Accounts Chamber working with control-accounting bodies of RF Efficiency of control-accounts bodies of the federation subjects"
10.15 a.m. - 10.40 a.m. K. Knutsson, Consultant of the Department of the Local Authorities Association of Sweden "Budgetary regulation in Sweden"
10.40 a.m. - 11 a.m. V.B.Akulov, Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Petrozavodsk State University, Doctor of Economics, Professor "Financial self-provisioning of a territory as a criterion of economic and social efficiencyof on-budget expenditures"
11 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee-break
11.30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Working group session No. 1 (Room 220) Federation subjects' budgets: the role of regions in the formation of inter-budgetary relations - federation, region, local government
M.V.Romanovsky, Head of the Department of Finance of St.Petersburg State Universuty of Economics and Finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor
A.S.Revaikin, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Economics of KRC of RAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Time-limit: 15 to 30 minutes for each report
4 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Coffee-break
V.N. Antonov, M.N.Brodsky, N.F. Gutsan, A.A. Liverovsky "Legal regulation of the budgetary process in Saint Petersburg" St. Petersburg, Institute of Law of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (Assistant Director, Kandidat of Sciences, Associate Professor), St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly (Deputy, Doctor of Sciences, Professor), Court of Saint Petersburg (judges)
P.V. Druzhinin "Problems of inter-budgetary relations in Karelia" Petrozavodsk, Institute of Economics of the KRC of RAS (Kandidat of Economics, Associate Professor)
V.S. Zharov "Problems of the formation and realization of the long-term development budget on the level of region (federation subject) "Apatity, Kola Branch of Petrozavodsk State University (Dean of the Economics Department, Doctor of Economics)
N.G. Ivanova "Investment climate and budgetary policy in Saint Petersburg" Saint Petersburg, St.P.State University of Economics and Finance (Kandidat of Economics, Associate Professor of the Finance Department)
L.S. Kochneva "The role, importance and prospects for the parliament state financial control in the work of representative (legislative) governmental bodies of the Russian federation subjects (with the Republic of Karelia as an example)" Petrozavodsk, Control-budget Committee of the RK Legislative Assembly
L.A. Krainova "Information technologies sector as a resource of increasing the income of regional budgets" Apatity, Institute of Economic problems of the Kola Research Centre of RAS (Researcher)
A.S. Revaikin "Equalization of budgetary provisioning of RF subjects as a first-priority line in inter-budgetary relations" Petrozavodsk, Institute of Economics of KRC of RAS (Professor, Doctor of Economics)
V.I. Sedletsky "Federal special-purpose programme 'South of Russia' and the role of budgetary appropriations in its realization" Rostov-on-Don, State Research Institution "North-Caucasian research centre of higher education" (First Assistant Director, Doctor of Sciences, Professor)
A.G. Sergienko "Improvement of financial control by the Federal Treasury bodies" Petrozavodsk, Federal Treasury Branch in Petrozavodsk (Leading expert of the Department of Payments from the federal budget)
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Working group session No. 2 (Room 274) Priorities and sources of local government budgets financing
V.A.Shlyamin, Minister of External Relations of RK, Kandidat of Economics
V.N.Petrov Vice-Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Vologda region
Time-limit: 15 to 30 minutes for each report
11 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee-break
4 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Coffee-break
T.I. Barasheva "Specific features in the formation of municipal institutions' budgets (with the Murmansk region as an example) Apatity, Institute of Economic Problems of the KRC of RAS (Researcher)
V.A.Gurtov, A.G.Oleinik "Comparative analysis of the income and expenditures of sister-cities' budgets in the Russian North-West and Finland" Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University (Professor, Doctor of Physics)
E.A. Groshev "Spezialized financial intermediaries as a tool of financing investment expenditures of local budgets" Petrozavodsk State University
L.N. Yeremeeva "Budgetary strategy of municipal organizations of Russia" Moscow, Russian federation minicipal organizations Congress (Head of the Analytical Research Centre, Kandidat of Economics, Senior researcher)
M.V. Ivanova, O.A. Gunba "Potentialities of closed territorial units in the current conditions of their budgets financing" Apatity, Kola Branch of PetrSU (Associate Professor, fifth-year student)
A.V. Kiisky "The effect of the regions' economic and geographical situation on budget expenditures: with local budgets of Finland in the year 2000 as an example" Petrozavodsk State University (Post-graduate student of the Economics Faculty)
V.E. Rokhchin, V.V. Sukmanov "Strategic balance of municipal financial resources as a tool for a region's development management" Saint Petersburg, RAS Institute of Regional Economy Problems (Head of the Regional and Municipal Management Problems Laboratory, Doctor of Economics, Professor), Pskov (Head of the Pskov district Administration)
T.V. Satchuk "Problems of a municipal organization budget formation" Petrozavodsk, Karelian State Pedagogical University (Head of the Economics and Politology Department, Associate Professor, Kandidat of Economics)
S.N. Yurkova "Local finances, structure, income and expenses of the local budget" Moscow, Association of municipal institutions of Russia (Rector of the non-state educational institution 'Training and research center of the state and municipal management'', Kandidat of Technical Sciences)
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Working group session No. 3 (Room 352) Tax policy and treasury realization of budgets
A.P. Maksimov Head of the Board of the Federal Treasury of the RF Ministry of Finance in RK
Yu.N. Yurinov Deputy Chief of the Board of the RF Ministry of Taxes and Dues in RK
Time-limit: 15 to 30 minutes for each paper
11 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee-break
4 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Coffee-break
O.K. Borisenko "Small business taxation and local budgets formation" Apatity, Institute of Economic Problems of the Kola Research Centre of RAS (Senior researcher, Kandidat of Economics)
T.G. Gubanova "Tax instruments for regulating economic activity of the region's organizations" Petrozavodsk, Institute of Economics of the KRC of RAS (Post-graduate student)
O.V. Evseenkov "Regulation of branches: concealed taxation and concealed budget" Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University (Lecturer)
A.P. Maksimov "Treasury realization of the republican budget" Petrozavodsk, Federal Treasury Board at the RF Ministry of Finance in RK (Chief)
A.V. Potapov "State and municipal purchases in 'Electronic Russia'. Up-to-date information technologies of planning and organization of purchasing goods and services to meet the state and municipal needs" Moscow, Closed Joint-stock company "Parus" (Director of the department of relations with state organizations)
S.I. Chuzhmarova "The effect of specific features of the North on economic subjects taxation" Syktyvkar, SyktSU, Taxes and Taxation Department (Head of the Department, Kandidat of Economics, Associate Professor)
Yu.N. Yurinov "Tax sources priorities while forming the income part of the budgets of the federation subjects" Petrozavodsk, Board of the RF Ministry of taxes and duties in RK (Deputy Chief)
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Working group session No. 4 (Room 355) Open budget as an instrument of a civil society
V.B. Akulov Professor, Dean of the Economics Faculty of Petrozavodsk State University
V.A.Gurtov Professor, Head of the Department of Petrozavodsk State University, Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Doctor of Physics
Time-limit: 15 to 30 minutes for each paper
11 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee-break
4 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Coffee-break
V.A.Beskrovnaya "Applied analysis of a budget as a tool for a civil society's participation in the budgetary process" Saint Petersburg, St.P.GPC "Strategy" (Analytical work coordinator, Kandidat of Economics)
A.V. Bogomolova "Experience in creating the information system 'Budget system of RF' for the budget sphere monitoring" Moscow, AHO "Information Research Centre of MSU" (Manager of the project "Budget system of Russia", Assistant of the Department of Macroeconomic Regulation and Planning, Master of Economics)
M.B. Gorny "Model regulations 'On information support for the budgetary process in the Russian Federation subjects" Saint Petersburg, St.P.GPC "Strategy"
E.E. Kurgi, Yu.V. Sidorov, A.V. Kolomytsev "Budget graph designer as a tool for comparative analysis of the budgets of subjects included in the North-West Federal District of Russia". Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University
N.V. Levkin "Problem of renting relations and open budget" Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University (Senior Lecturer of the Management Department, Kandidat of Economics)
A.A. Pechnikov, E.Yu. Osolotkina, I.V. Rakovsky "Ensuring citizens' participation in the budgetary process (using Internet-technologies)Petrozavodsk, Administration of Petrozavodsk
L.V. Prokhorova "Public participation in the budgetary process in the Republic of Karelia" Petrozavodsk, RK Ministry of Education and Youth (Leading specialist of the Vocational Education Department)
M.R. Tutaev "Payment for the work of budgetary organizations' workers: problems and ways of reforming" Saint Petersburg, Petersburg State University of Communications, Faculty of Economics and Social Management (Fourth-year student)
M.I. Yandiev "Realization of the publicity principle in the budget sphere as the most important step in the realization of market reforms" Moscow, MSU, Economics Faculty, Department of Finance and Credit (Associate Professor, Kandidat of Economics)
A.E. Yanovsky "Legal assurance of mechanisms for citizens' public participation in the budgetary process" Obninsk, Town Foundation of scientific, technical, innovation and creative activities of the Russian youth (President, Kandidat of Physical-Mathematical Sciences)

May 30, 2002. Thursday

10 a.m. - 1.30 p.m. Plenary session (Room 361)
A.S. Kolesov, Vice-Chairman of the Government of RK, Minister of Finance of RK
V.V.Shilnikov, Chairman of the Chamber of Republic of the RK Legislative Assembly
10 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. Speech by the chairpersons of the working group session No. 1.
10.30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Speech by the chairpersons of the working group session No. 2.
11 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee-break
11.30 a.m. - 12.00 Speech by the chairpersons of the working group session No. 3.
12 - 12.30 p.m. Speech by the chairpersons of the working group session No. 4.
12.30 p.m. - 1 p.m. Discussions
1 p.m. - 1.30 p.m. Adopting recommendations. The Closing of the Conference

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