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  1. O.V. Bodacheva Budgetary relationship between the federal center and the RF subjects //Region: economics and sociology. 1999. No. 1. p.38-58.
  2. E.V. Boreskova, E.N. Kitova Some specific features of the budgetary relations on the subfederal and local levels //Finances. 2000.No.5.p.12-15.
  3. E.V. Bushmin Reforms in inter-budgetary relations: first results and prospective goals // Finances. 2000.No.6.p.4-6.
  4. N.V. Gorsky Tax potentialities in the mechanism of inter budgetary relations// Finances. 1999.No.6.p.27-30.
  5. L.A. Dyakonova Financial resources management in the region in the context of inter-budgetary relations improvement // Finances. 1999.No.8.p.9-12.
  6. B. Zaidel, D.Vesper Budgetary federalism: comparative analysis over countries // Region: economics and sociology. 1999. No. 2. p.16-47.
  7. A.G.Ighudin On principles of inter-budgetary relations reforming in the Russian Federation // Finances. 1998.No.8.p.6-9.
  8. A.S. Kolesov On integral assessment or the financial situation with objects of budgetary financing// Finances. 2000.No.6.p.9-11.
  9. A.S. Kolesov, A.S. Revaikin, T.A. Sidorova An essential instrument of inter-budgetary relations governing// Finances. 2000.No.10.p.8-12.
  10. G.Z. Krylov Budget structure and budget's out// Finances. 2000.No.9.p.50-52.
  11. K.E. Laikam, V.V. Sharamova The place and role of he tax policy in the improvement // Finances. 1998.No.6.p.12-14.
  12. V. Leksin, A.Shvetsov Stereotypes and realities of the Russian budget federalism //Economic Issues. 2000. No.1. p.71-87.
  13. I.V. Podporina. Inter-budgetary relations and budget governing // Finances. 1999.No.10.p.17-20.
  14. T.A. Pozdnjakova Theoretical aspects of inter-budgetary relations in the field of income formation // Finances. 1998.No.8.p.10-12.
  15. L.I. Pronina On local budgets formation and organization of inter-budgetary relations between local governmental bodies and the Russian Federation subjects' governmental bodies in 1999 // Finances. 1998.No.1.p.55-56.
  16. L.I. Pronina Improvement of inter-budgetary relations as a guarantee of fostering local government// Finances. 2000.No.5.p.16-21.
  17. E. Sabulov, H.Tipenko, A.Chernyavsky Budget federalism and inter-budgetary relations // Economic Issues. 2000. No.1. p.16-21.
  18. V.I. Sabulov The problem of improving inter-budgetary relations // Region: economics and sociology. 1999. No. 3 p.81-98.
  19. S.A. Suspitsyn Fostering inter-budgetary relations on the subfederal level // Region: economics and sociology. 2000. No. 1 p.49-68.
  20. A.V. Ulyukaev Inter-budgetary relations system in the Russian Federation // Finances. 1998.No.2.p.13-16.
  21. V. Fedotkin Federalism and local government: economic interaction problems // Economic Issues. 2000. No.1. p.88-98.
  22. N.B. Khristenko Problems and prospects of reforming inter-budgetary relations// Finances. 1999.No.5.p.12-16.
  23. M.E. Chichelev On the budget system reforming // Finances. 1999.No.5.p.21-23.
  24. Lena Shroder. Swedish model: the past and the present// Man and labour.-1994.-No. 10.-p.p. 107-111.
  25. S. Shuvalov, S. Aborin. Reducing the risk of budgetary funding (experience of the regional budget of the Saratov region development)//Economist.-2000.-No. 7.-p.p. 50-52.
  26. A.Epshtein. A town budget can be cured, if a diagnosis is made correctly// Sociol. Security.-1997.-No. 6.-p.p. 27-32.
  27. Inter-budgetary relations in the RF: ensuring common interests of the center and regions. Alexander Dorzhdeev, Doctor of Economics and Management, Chairman of the Government of Kalmykia (Russia).
  28. References on local governments in Russia on Auditorium.ru
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