Literature on budget-related problems and inter-budgetary relations
- The Russian Federation Constitution (Adopted by nation-wide voting on 12 December 1993).-M.,1993.
- The Russian Federation Budget Code.-M.,1998
- The Russian Federation Revenue Code. Part I.-M.,1998, Part II.-M.,2000.
- On principles of budget rights and rights to form and use non-budgetary funds of representative and executive bodies of republics within the RF, autonomous region, autonomous districts, region, the cities of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, local governmental bodies. The Russian Federation Law of 15 April 1993, No. 4807-1.
- On budget classification in the Russian Federation. The Federal Law of 15 August 1996, No. 115-FZ.
- On financial principles of local government. The Russian Federation Law of 25 September 1997, No.126-FZ
- On the concept of inter-budgetary relations reforming in the Russian Federation during 1999-2001. The Russian Government resolution of 30 June 1998, No.862.
- Kuntien talons ja toiminta-Kunnittaisia tietoja 1998: Kommunernas ekonomi och verksamhet-kommunvisa uppgifter 1998. - Helsinki, 1999.-v.396
- Reader's guide to free information from the European union.-Luxembourg: office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1996.-66 v.
- Report by the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Karelia, "On the situation in the republic, on realizing the state programmes, on implementing an internal policy and external relations in the RK. Results of the year 2000" (March 2001)
- Report of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Karelia on the work in the year 2000
- G.B. Polyak. City budget.-M.:Finances, 1978.
- G.B. Polyak. Financial support for the social sphere.-M.: Finances and Statistics, 1988.
- G.B. Polyak. Finances sof the local Soviets.-M.: Finances and Statistics, 1991.
- S.P. Solyannikova. Territories budgets.-M. Finances and Statistics, 1993.
- A.I.Cherkasov. Comparative local government: theory and practice.-M.: Publishing group "FORUM-INFRA-M", 1998.-160 p.
- T.F.Yutkina. Budgetary mechanism for regulating the social and economic development of the region: Manual.-Syktyvkar.: Syktyvkar University, 1991.-77 p.
- V.A.Yasyunas. Local government. Comments. Interpretation.-2nd edition, add.-M.: Publishing House "Osv-89", 1997.-176 p.
- Budget system in Russia: Textbook for higher schools/Edit. By Prof. G.B. Polyak.-M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000.550p.
- Budget system in the Russian Federation: Textbook. /Edit. By m V Romanovsky, O.V. Vrublevskaya.-M.: Yurait, 1999.
- Financial management: Textbook./Edit. By Prof. G.B. Polyak.-M.: UNITY, 1997.
- Finances. Monetary circulation. Credit: Textbook./ Edit. By L. A. Drobozina. - M.: Finances, UNITY, 1997.
- Enterprises finances: : Textbook./ Edit. By N.V. Kolchina..- M.:UNITY, 1998.
- Finances: Textbook./ Edit. By V.M.Rodionova.- M.:Finances and statistics, 1994.
Scientific-popular literature
- D. Antonyuk, V. Stepanova. Budget: Manual for the work with a local or regional budget, for non-commercial organizations.- Pskov, 2000.- 44p.
- Budget and budget-related process in Samara from the point of view of independent experts./ Edit. By M.V. Churakov.- Samara, 2000.-148p.
- Saint Peterburg's budget for the year 2000 from the experts' view point: economists, lawers, sociologists, managers./ Edit. By T.I. Vinogradova.- St. Peterburg, 2000.- 112 p.
- City budget and the public: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Citizens and authorities on their way to co-operation: the budget thet can be understood and affected.- Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Sakhalinsk Publish House, 2000.-92 p.
- Novosibirsk. Analysis of the budget-related process in the Novosibirsk region and the city of Novosibirsk./Edit. By S.A. Suspitsyn, V.I. Klistorin. - Novosibirsk, 2000/- 120 p.
- Transparent budget. How to make a possibility real.- Murmansk, 2000.-49p.
- Pskov, Velikie Luki, Pskov region. Analytical papers on the budget policy, inter-budgetary relations and access to information./Edit. By D.A. Antonyuk.-Pskov, 2000.-112 p.
- Transparent budget. How to make possibility a reality.-Murmansk.: St.P. "Strategy" Centre, Murmansk Female Journalists Association, 2000.-50 p.
- Town citizens and authorities on the way to co-operation: a budget that can be understood and affected. Issue 1. Analysis of the city budget for 1998 as well as of the process of its formation. Analysis of the city voluntary organizations' participation in the budgetary process.-St.P.: Human.-politol. Centre "Strategy", 1998.-60 p.
- Town citizens and authorities on the way to co-operation: a budget that can be understood and affected. Issue 3. Comments on St. Petersburg budget for the year 1999. Problems of budgetary process. St.P.: Human.-politol. Centre "Strategy", 2000.-111 p.
- Local finances and local communities. Reference manual.-Nizhny Novgorod: NP "Volgo-Vyatsky potential", 2001.-198 p.
- References on local government in Russia on
- Local Government: Long-Lasting Returning. Local government coming into being in Russia
- Legal Regulation Of Financial And Economic Interaction Between A Federation Subject And Local Government