The Structure of the Budget of the Novgorod region in the year 2000

The total expences part of the budget:

The total expences part of the budget

The items of the budget expense part

  • The Structure of the "Education" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "Social policy" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "Public health and physical training" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "State Management" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "Culture, art   and cinematography" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "State debt service" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "Law-enforcement activities and ensuring the state's security" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "Industry, power engineering and construction" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "Agriculture and fisheries" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "Transport, road service, communications and informatics" Item Expense Part
  • The Structure of the "Financial assistance to other-level budgets" Item Expense Part

  • The total income part of the budget:

    The total income part of the budget


    "The Law of the Budget" (text) of the Novgorod region in the year 2000.

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